Success Homes North, Inc. has an open bed in one of our CRS homes in Chisago County. This is a home with three other male individuals that are higher functioning and enjoy doing activities in the community. We are looking for an individual that will mix well with the others and that is similar in functioning level. The age range of the other individuals 50-63 years old. This is a handicapped accessible home with the open bed being on the mail level of the home with an accessible bathroom. We also have an accessible van with a lift chair. We are open to staffing 24/7 with awake overnights. We would prefer a client to attend a day program as currently, the others attend day programs or have community jobs during the day. The house does have a dog that the others enjoy a great deal. The individuals have lived together for quite a long time and have formed a brother ship with each other.
If you have anyone looking for placement that you think may be a good fit, feel free to reach out to me.