Team Home healthcare LLC. provides individual centered 24 hour customized living services in a community residential settings, We provide services that are tailored to meet the needs of our clients to achieve their optimal potential level of independence in our community. We have well trained, caring, professional and qualified support staff to care for our clients regardless of their medical condition, physical ability, social, cognitive or emotional states. Our residence is located in a welcoming community that supports and promotes individual growth and well-being. We currently have openings at our residence in Richfield and we are accepting referrals.
Visit our website at www.teamhomehealthcarellc.com
Phone number612-402-0806
Email: teamhomehealthcarellc@gmail.com
36171 | Name: TEAM HOME HEALTH CARE LLC Address: 7421 18TH AVENUE SOUTH RICHFIELD, MN 55423 Phone: 612-402-0806 Fax: None Authorized Agent: MUSTAFE MOHAMOUDMinnesota Licensed Bed Capacity: (Assisted Living Resident Capacity = 4)Minnesota Classifications: (Assisted Living Facilities) |