Our Adult Foster care home is a welcoming place you’ll be happy to call home. We care for those we serve as we’d care for members of our own family. Our Adult Foster care focuses on helping our residents enjoy life to the fullest. Our Adult Foster Care provides 24/7 service to the Elderly and Adults with Disabilities, DD, Chemically Dependent, and others with special needs. We care about the safety and welfare of our residents.
Our Services include and are not limited to assistance with activities of daily living such as grooming, bathing, dental care, hair care, shower transfers, dressing, toileting, prescription pick up, dry cleaning, grocery shopping, 3 home-cooked meals a day and snacks upon request, medication set-up and administration, organizing for transportation services
Address: 13043 Bluebird ST NW
Coon Rapids, MN 55448
Phone: 612-382-1300 Fax: 612-233-0001
If you need additional information or have questions about our services, please contact us at 612-382-1300, fax 612-233-0001or by email at; wayub2000@yahoo.com