Clinique Healthcare Services (NPI A275473500) is 24HRs Customized living home in Brooklyn Park, MN. We currently have 3 immediate openings and accepting male or female clients. We understand that people with health challenges will love to always stay in Homey environment and we are dedicated to provide customized home environment for all our clients. We have Comprehensive Home Care with Home and Community Based Services Designation, Housing with Services licenses with MDH and accept CADI waivers funding, private pay and Medical Assistance funding for daily assistance Residence. Residents live in a 4 to 5 person private residential setting and share common areas. The home is a split level with wheelchair and handicap accessible. Home is located in a quite residential neighborhood. Staffing is 1 to 2 per shift depending on census. We have overnight awake staff and 24 hour on call Registered nurses. Call 763-503-4757 to schedule immediate tour & placement. We take both male and female. Age Range: 18+
Ph: 763-503-4757 Fax: 763-549-9952
Email: office@cliniquehealthcare.com
- Near a bus stop
- Convenience store and gas station near by (Bills, Festival, walgreens
- Close to highway 610 and 252
- Parks within walking distance
- About 2 miles to the river park
- Near library
Our Care Providers are certified by the state of Minnesota and under go comprehensive background check. We have an in house registered nurse and a house manager. Our staff ratio is 1 to 4 or lower depending on clients need.
We are a comprehensive with integrated community based designation and Housing with Services licensee and provide the following services:
Homemaker Services, Respite Care, Personal Support , Companion Services, Night Supervision, Assisted Living Services, 24 Hour Customized Living, etc.