REM Minnesota, Multiple Locations
6600 France Avenue, South Suite 350 Edina, MN 55435
Michu AFC is a licensed provider in the Minnesota, staff have been working as a health care providers in different health care settings for more than 15 years. We dedicated to make it possible for our clients to live independently as well as live comfortably. Michu AFC is a great house.It is located close by Maplewood Mall , and has beautiful recreational outdoors trails and views .Michu AFC provides services to Adults with Disabilities, DD, Chemically Dependent and others with special needs. We have great passion to help people live a comfortable life by providing high quality services in a safe environment and provides a comfortable living space that will make you feel at home. We diligently follow the rules and regulations of the state and federal. We are committed to ensuring the safety and security of all. We are located in Ramsey County.