BrightPath, Multiple Locations/Services
149 THOMPSON AVE E STE 206 West St Paul, MN 55118
Name: Northern Pines Mental Health Center
Services: Early Childhood Mental Health Services
Date Opened: 07/02/2018
Address: 245 Barclay Ave, Unit 101
County: Crow Wing
Phone: 3206392025
Description of Services: Offers assessment and therapeutic treatment for children birth to age 5 years old.
Service options may include:
* Diagnostic assessment
* Play therapy
* Relational therapy
* Incredible Years parent training
* Child-parent psychotherapy
* Family skills or therapy
* Mental Health Behavior Aide
* Referrals for OT/PT
* Special Education referrals
* Other early childhood support Mental health services for young children and their families
Area Served Crow Wing, Morrison