Name: Olmsted County Community Services
Services: Children’s Mental Health Services
Date Opened: 01/15/2000
Address: 2117 Campus Dr SE, Rochester, MN, 55904-4825
County: Olmsted
Phone: 5073286400
Features: Alternative Care Waiver (AC), Community Access for Disability Inclusion Waiver (CADI), Community Alternative Care (CAC) Waiver, Developmental Disabilities Waiver (DD), Elderly Waiver (EW), Medicaid (Medical Assistance)Youth Behavioral Health serves youth who are struggling with mental health or behavioral concerns, parent-child conflicts, truancy, or substance abuse.
Services include:
* Adolescent Rule 25 chemical use assessment
* Anger management training
* Brief crisis intervention
* Case management and service coordination
* Family therapy
* Independent living and social skills training
* Information and referral
* Intensive family intervention
* Mental health
* Parent coaching
* Reunification services
* Wraparound/case planning
Includes a staff person who is trained in Trauma Focused – Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Description of Services: Services for youth and their families struggling with mental health or behavioral concerns
Area Served:Olmsted